Do you know the feeling? For some reason, you need to detach from something you were involved in, and suddenly, after a while of not being deeply involved with it, you realize its just workling perfectly — at an amazing pace. If you know that feeling, you can share what I feel when I think about this years FrOSCon.

Looking back at the past two months, Berlin has turned out to be a nice place to live, even though I hardly found time to explore the city yet. The downside is that I have to travel the republic, and that takes quite some time.

Thus the conference seems to be approaching at the speed of light: Only about 30 hours to go until the coolest Open Source and Free Software Conference under the sun (we expect great weather with sunshine in the afternoon at bearable 25°C on saturday) kicks off.

As previously announced KDE will be there, sharing a booth and a room with the Amarok and Kubuntu Germany guys.

In the room, we’ll have a broad program to offer on Sunday.

  • 13:00: Marble: more than a virtual Desktop Globe
  • 14:00: Amarok :: Forming the Core 2
  • 16:00: Kubuntu in Deutschland :: gestern, heute und morgen
  • In addition, we might add some BoFs, stay tuned! On Saturday, there is even a talk on KDE 4 by our beloveth board member and promo guy Sebastian Kügler, who will give you an update on the current status. Earlier the day, I’ll be talking about a Qt-related Wikipedia Offline Reader written by students of our University.

    An of course the present developers take their time to answer your question on the project and can help you to get inolved if you join us in our room!

    PS: Make sure to be there to receive a personal surprise. All you need to do in addition is to bring in a USB stick.

    1 Comment on “OMG, FrOSCon!

    1. ich bin mal so dreist und antworte auf Deutsch…
      Ich bin noch recht jung und neu in der Opensource Szene (1 Jahr^^), Archuser und KDE – Benutzer :D. KDE, Arch und Amarok sind auf der froscon vertreten und ich habe es erst gestern erfahren… eigentlich komisch, da ich direkt in Bonn wohne und mir solche lokalen Termine doch iwo aufgefallen sein müssten 🙂
      Aber ich komme auf jeden Fall am Sonntag und bin mal echt gespannt, was einen da erwartet
      mfg Henubis