Techbase Updates

Motivated by the efforts of the Chinese and French translations of the
KDE 4 build instructions, I started on a german one. The French translation was finished in less than a week. Let’s show that we can do it, too 🙂

In unrelated Techbase news, Michael Manke of the public administration Berlin Steglitz-Zehlendorf donated 44 pages (!) worth of KIOSK documentation. Although it focuses on (open)SUSE, SLED and SLES, it’s still amazing and very useful. I want to move it to Techbase ASAP, but the Documentation is an ODT file with pictures inbetween. I am currently investigating on how to best migrate those docs into Techbase. Hints welcome.

5 Comments on “Techbase Updates

  1. i wanna help the translations, but i couldn’t find a way to do.
    do you have any tips for beginning a translation to another language? (pt_BR)

  2. Well, I guess that is hard to beat: the translation effort was done within about four hours. I was finished less than six hours after you created the page. Go KDE! 🙂

  3. Die Ãœbersetzung ging ja schnell von statten, und lief ohne Probleme (mal von dem kleinen Edit-Konflikt abgesehen).

    Eine Frage aber mal generell: wie viel GB muss man etwas einplanen, um KDE 4 auf dem Wege installieren zu können?

    Wäre das nicht auch eine Info für den Artikel?

